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Plant Selection and Install

The perfect landscape plant selection is nothing short of a challenge. After all, you have seemingly endless options to pick from. If you need some help making the right decision, reach out to Bellantoni Landscape. Our expert landscape designers can give you all the details you need about plant selection and installation. Don’t settle for subpar plants and lengthy installation processes—look to our seasoned team in Westchester County, NY.

We’re well-versed in all aspects of landscape care, including landscape maintenance, landscape lighting, and even water features.

Plant Selection and Installation in Westchester County, NY

Ask Us About Plant Selection Methods

This first step is often the most fun—exploring your plant options and choosing your favorites. But with so many options, it isn’t easy to narrow it down to just a few perennials and flowers. Fortunately, Bellantoni Landscape is here to make the selection process a little easier. As you search for the perfect plants, be sure to account for these factors:

  • Climate: First things first, it’s a good idea to look into plants that thrive in your area’s environment. Westchester County tends to be temperate in the summer and quite cold in the winter. You might want to consider plants that survive winter temperatures, such as pansies, hostas, primroses, and blue spruce.
  • Color: Next, think about what colors you’d like to add to your landscape. Perhaps you prefer green fields with small pops of colors, or maybe you’d rather have a multichromatic backyard. Whatever the case for you, Bellantoni Landscape can point you to the ideal flowers.
  • Sunlight: Consider which areas of your landscape get the most sun and which plants thrive in direct sunlight. Having this information noted down will make the installation process easier.
  • Space: Some plants love to spread out. If you have tons of open landscape, these plants might work well. But if you’re dealing with a tight garden, we might recommend another variety.

What We Have to Offer

At Bellantoni Landscape, we’re committed to bringing you the gold standard in landscape design. Our professional tree and plant installation experts are knowledgeable in the types of plants, and we can help you make the right decision. Our customers come to us for variety, and we’re known for providing plants and shrubs of all types. We’re well-versed in all aspects of landscape care, including landscape maintenance, landscape lighting, and even water features. Whatever will complete your landscape, rest assured that we can accommodate you. Ask us about these popular plants and products:

  •  Small and large trees
  • Shrubs and perennials
  • Annual flowers and spring bulbs
  • Fresh sod and seeded lawns

Our Plant Installation Team Is at Your Service

Our plant installation service is second to none in Westchester County. Whether you’re landscaping a large space or adding some color to a tiny garden, we have you covered. Bellantoni Landscape’s installation team will ensure that everything is done correctly so that you can enjoy the beauty of your landscape in no time. Our expert installers are with you through each of these steps:

  • Clearing the land
  • Installing plants, bushes, flowers, shrubs, trees, and even water features
  • Laying mulch
  • Adding the finishing touches and small details

Get in Touch with the Professionals Today

Plant installation and maintenance isn’t always as easy as home improvement TV shows make it seem. When you need some help creating the perfect landscape, look to the professionals at Bellantoni Landscape. We’re proud to have helped so many Westchester County residents get one step closer to the home of their dreams with a lovely garden. Beyond plant selection and installation, our team can also help with irrigation, drainage, outdoor lighting, and so much more. Contact us today to know about plant installation costs.