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Outdoor Holiday Decorating in Westchester County, NY

There’s nothing quite like the sparkle and shimmer that decorations provide while you, your family, and your friends celebrate the holidays together. Unfortunately, the holidays are among the busiest times of the year for most families. Between shopping for Christmas presents, traveling to visit loved ones out of town, and preparing for the new year, you may not have the time or energy to install and set up decorations yourself.

That’s why the seasoned, passionate professionals at Bellantoni Landscape are here to take the hassle out of the holidays and provide endless holiday cheer through our outdoor holiday decorating services in Westchester County, NY. For over 50 years, we’ve helped countless businesses glow and impress during the holiday seasons. Our wide array of residential and commercial services is designed to give your property your ideal aesthetic and lighting to make your holidays truly one-of-a-kind. We will partner with you on your preferred design preferences and style, ensuring you receive the lighting and décor you want when you want it. Please sit back and relax with your friends and family while we take care of your holiday decor needs.

Call for a consultation!

Outdoor decoration service by Bellantoni Landscape in Westchester County, NY

Safe and Reliable Holiday Decorating Installation

When it comes to installing your holiday decorations and lighting, you want the most responsible team on your side. You may want a holiday decoration team to take the hassle out of doing it yourself, but if something goes wrong during the installation, you will end up spending more time and energy than you intended. A bad installation delays the time spent enjoying your decorations and dampers your holiday fun. The experts at Bellantoni Landscape do quality work quickly. We follow strict safety protocols during installation to avoid any hazards associated with installing electrical components and keep your entire property secure from beginning to end. Here’s what you can expect from us:

  • A clean and clear job each time. We ensure that all extension cords and electrical components are hidden so all you see is the beautiful light emanating from your decorations.
  • A guarantee that all parts are in working order. We thoroughly inspect and test light times and other components before we leave, so you can have confidence that they’ll function correctly throughout the holidays.
  • A detailed walkthrough. One of the last things we do during your service is walk you through your installation to ensure you are satisfied. We will also provide maintenance and other services as requested.
Holiday Decorating Services in Westchester County

Excellent Holiday Decorating Ideas to Delight You

Do you want an exceptional new holiday display for your home, business, or event but are unsure where to start? We recommend considering the specific style and aesthetic you want for this year’s festivities. After you decide, our team can work with you to bring your ideas to life. Here are a few holiday decoration ideas to consider this year:

  • Christmas Trees: Green Christmas trees adorned with vibrant lighting and decorations are a must-have for every holiday season. If you don’t feel like decorating your Christmas tree yourself this year, our team will be happy to help you.
  • Wreaths: Greet your friends and family with a stunningly beautiful wreath hanging from your front door. Our team is seasoned and trained at making carefully arranged wreaths according to our customers’ preferred style preferences.
  • Roofing: By choosing us for your roofing line holiday decorating, you’re ensuring your home is the talk of the town that brings cheer to all who see it. Consider adorning your roof with beautiful light and greenery to bring life to the outdoors.
  • Greenery: Green is as synonymous with the holiday season as presents, Santa Claus, and mistletoe. We add color and depth to properties with lush, artificial greenery that looks precisely like the real thing.
  • Lawn Displays: For those who like to go big and bold during the holiday season, our lawn display installations are perfect. We offer a wide range of elegant lighting, banner, and inflatables that bring life to our customers’ properties.
Holiday decorating service arranging festive outdoor decor in Westchester County, NY

Professional Holiday Decorators and Installers

The experts at Bellantoni Landscape bring over 50 years of service and excellence to every job. We understand that even the simplest lighting and decorating should be handled with care and attention to detail. That’s why we are entirely devoted to your holiday project from beginning to end. The team at Bellantoni Landscape is trained and skilled to handle every aspect of your holiday decorating and lighting, including

  • Expert holiday and Christmas decoration design
  • Professional holiday and Christmas lighting installation
  • Beautifully arranged wreaths
  • Perfectly selected winter and holiday decorations
  • Freshly cut, live pine trees
Bellantoni Landscape decorating outdoors with holiday lights in Westchester, NY

Holiday Decorating Cleanup and Removal

After your out-of-town family and friends have headed back home, your holiday meals have been stored away for leftovers, and the lights have dimmed, it’s time for your decorations to come down. You most likely don’t want to take them down yourself after a whirlwind of hosting and celebrating. Ask us to take down your decorations for you instead. We know how to dismantle your decorations as carefully and responsibly as installing them. We make sure that your entire property is clean and that nothing is left behind after we’ve finished removing the decorations. Our complete holiday decoration removal will prepare your home for the next season.

Here for Your Holiday Decorating Needs

We are proud of our over 50 years of helping homes, businesses, and beyond make their properties and spirits brighter. Our team takes the hassle out of busy holiday schedules by making your property beautiful for you. To schedule an installation, please reach out to us today. We will arrange a time to come to your property and assess its setup. Our professionals will listen to you and discuss your needs and desires, allowing us to formulate a plan best suited for your holiday glow and beauty. Contact us to schedule an installation and make your holidays brighter today.

Contact Us Today to Schedule Your Consultation!